Hi, I’m Damaris (they/them)

… and I’m the Founder of Heartforward Therapeutics. Heartforward was created after more than a decade of working with people and seeing where the gaps in care and community exist, especially for infants and their parents, neurodivergent children, and our elders.

If that sounds like you, my goal is to help you fill any gaps in your own care. We all need a community made of intentionally chosen people who make you and your loved ones feel celebrated for exactly who they are! If there is something you need, I’d love to be a member of that community for you.

My Story

I began my career working in schools and with children aged 0-17 years old, and noticed that neurodivergent students like myself were frequently ostracized and disrespected. I then moved into specialty care for students with exceptionalities as a play specialist. Here, I found that most therapeutic models encouraged masking and assimilation as the way forward. My students weren’t always seen as whole people, and therefore pain of any variety was overlooked or dismissed.

I decided then to become licensed in massage therapy, and reflex integration, as well as additional forms of energy work and low contact bodywork. In the field of bodywork, I have seen far too many therapists treat everyone with the same toolkit, overlooking the complexities of chronic illnesses. I intentionally aim to create a care plan with you that allows for your uniqueness to be seen and respected on my table. Years of training have allowed me to be able to support a wider and wider range of clients. I believe what I can offer really does span from birth to death. I have provided compassionate and informed care to new-borns and infants - all the way through the years of life to holding the hands of our elders as they die.

Now in 2023, each and everyday holds a new and exciting set of challenges and circumstances. You can find me providing accessible massage and bodywork services, eldercare and death and dying support, working with children and adults with exceptionalities in the home, and providing accessibility training and play support at a local Atlanta preschool.